Saturday 22 March 2014

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

I pace our cell in Erudite headquarters, her words echoing in my mind: My name will be Edith Prior, and there is much I am happy to forget.

The problem with series books today is that a reader has to buy them all and read them in order in order to enjoy the later volumes. Most readers are fine with this, and even prefer it this way. But there is something to be said with letting later volumes in a series stand on their own, at least in the beginning. This one barely succeeds.

What is an Erudite headquarters? One can assume that this is some kind of fantasy book (and no, I don't live in a complete bubble). We have a character in prison, which by itself is not interesting, but the fact that this character is making up a name, or at least that's what's implied leads to a question. The end part: ...there is much I am happy to forget, suggests a preamble, but it is only a whiff of one.

What follows is dialogue and a scene with little back story. This allows a forward narrative to unfold without needing much knowledge of what happened in the books before.

First thing said:

"So you've never seen her before?"

Verdict: Pass (barely)

Theodore Moracht

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